Ez Realtor Clone v2.1.4

Realtor Clone

This product is a one stop solutions for established as well as upcoming real estate businesses and professionals. Ez Realtor Clone v2.1.4 is a robust platform which has the potential of bringing a welcome change in the real estate world. It not only helps you launch your real estate business but makes it easier for you to track your potential clients. So if you also want to try out this software by iTechScripts do visit http://itechscripts.com/realtor_clone.html

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Ez Realtor Clone v2.1.4


This product is a one stop solutions for established as well as upcoming real estate businesses and professionals. Ez Realtor Clone v2.1.4 is a robust platform which has the potential of bringing a welcome change in the real estate world. It not only helps you launch your real estate business but makes it easier for you to track your potential clients. So if you also want to try out this software by iTechScripts do visit http://itechscripts.com/realtor_clone.html

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Ez Thumbtack Clone v4.2.8


The best place to meet professionals from different walks of life is a network or market place for professionals. So, the one of the best software to do this would be Ez Thumbtack Clone v4.2.8 by iTechScripts. It helps you find professionals for different jobs and you have a huge pool of people to choose from. Thus , no point in waiting start using http://itechscripts.com/thumbtack_clone.html

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To go one level up on dirname(__FILE__)


For PHP < 5.3 use:

$upOne = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/..’);

Or in PHP 5.3+ use:

$upOne = realpath(__DIR__ . ‘/..’);

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Create new custom post type – WordPress

Girish Sasidharan

Ideally you should create a plugin when working with custom post types, but if you don’t know how, or just need a quick test, you can use the functions.php file in your theme.

add_action( 'init', 'software_download' );
    function software_download() {
    register_post_type( 'software_download', array() );

In its simplest form, it will create a post type which has almost no customization. It won’t be public, it won’t show up in the admin, interaction messages will be the same as posts (“post saved,” “post updated,” etc.) and so on. To tailor our new post type to our needs, I’ll go through some of the more frequently-used options and add them to the previously empty  array.

add_action( 'init', 'software_download' );          function software_download() {     register_post_type( 'software_download',         array(             'labels' => array(                 'name' => 'Download',                 'singular_name' => 'Download',                 'add_new' => 'Add New',                …

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call escalation based on time

Journey With Me


get the allocated date and time

$allot_date_Time=”2014-05-08 08.20 AM”;

get the allocated date


Find ,time how many hours is fished till today

$seconds = strtotime(“$allot_date_Time”) – strtotime(“$allot_date 12.00 AM”);

find remaining year

$days = floor($seconds / 86400);
$seconds %= 86400;

find remaining Hour

$hours = floor($seconds / 3600);
$seconds %= 3600;

find remaining Mini

$minutes = floor($seconds / 60);
$seconds %= 60;
echo “$days days and $hours hours and $minutes minutes and $seconds seconds”;

Calculate the total time taken for call transfer


find and added current and time added maximum allotted time

$timestamp = strtotime(date(“Y-M-d h:iA”, strtotime($date)) . ” + $total_hours hour“);

(Hour or Mini orYyear)

convert into time time format

echo $expired = date(‘Y-M-d h:iA’, $timestamp);


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Ez PayPal Clone v7.4.2


Most businesses now operate online, so, payments from clients or payments made to others are also made online. But there still exists a doubt about such online transactions. You worry whether the personal details you give during such transactions are safe and secured or not. With iTechScripts Ez PayPal Clone v7.4.2 you need not worry because it is one of the best available stand alone payment gateway solution with the highest level of e-security and anti hacking technology. So if you want to stop worrying while receiving or making transactions related to your business do have a look at http://itechscripts.com/paypal_clone.html

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Ez Alibaba Clone v4.1.3


iTechScripts pesents one of the most reliable B2b portal from it’s array of products. A B2B portal helps establish new start ups and also build a smooth connection between two or more businesses or professionals. In todays fast paced world everything is done virtually with the help of the internet, our product Ez Alibaba Clone v4.1.3 helps you in keeping up with the ever changing business environment and strategies. Not only does iTechscrtipts Ez Alibaba Clone v4.1.3 gives a much needed push to your business but also helps you understand your surroundings. For more knowledge do check http://itechscripts.com/alibaba_clone.html

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php is a server side scripting language

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